Tuesday 15 November 2022

Should Repair Or Replace Your Toilet & Toilet Cistern

Are you debating or wondering whether to repair or replace your outdated toilet cistern? Whether you like it or not, both have valid justifications. Here is some information that helps you decide the best when you are confused about whether to repair or replace your toilet or toilet seat.


Reasons to rebuild your old toilet & toilet cistern:

  • The old toilet & toilet cistern flush well and never experiences stoppages.
  • It still looks good and can function well by adding some Ideal Standard cistern spare.
  • It fits you — the seat height is right, and you don’t experience discomfort sitting on or standing up on the toilet.
  • It would be more affordable to repair or rebuild one rather than purchase a new one.
  • Drain pipes in your home are made of cast iron.


    • This is extremely important! An older toilet provides the 3-5 gallons of water necessary to push the waste out of your drain system when you have cast iron drain lines. Current regulations restrict the amount of water a toilet can use per flush to 1.28 gallons per flush which can leave debris piling up in cast iron drain lines. Replacing an Ideal Standard cistern is the answer to such an issue.

    • It had been seen that clients wish to replace their entire drain systems or put up with stoppage after stoppage. It is good as the new company offers the low-flow toilet on a cast iron drainage system.

    • A well-trained plumber would not recommend a replacement unless the original toilet or toilet cistern was broken and it was beyond repair. They may recommend replacement of toilets & toilet cisterns if the toilet moves to different bathrooms.


The following are some justifications for replacing that outdated toilet:

  • The previous builder-grade toilet has never flushed well. Ideal Standard cistern flush superbly, unlike your builder-grade toilet!
  • Your toilet has a round seat instead of an elongated seat.
  • You have PVC drain lines and the transition is seamless.
  • You’re looking to save water.
  • Some cities offer rebate incentives to encourage toilet replacement, which can reduce the cost of replacement versus maintenance.
  • You’re shopping for a taller toilet.
  • the old toilet may cost more to rebuild than it did to purchase.


Professional plumbers strive to educate clients about the variables that may impact their purchase! so that they can decide properly and allocate their resources. People hate cleaning toilets! Is it acceptable to use “in-tank” cleaners to reduce the cost of cleaning supplies and toilet scrubbing?! Investing in an Ideal Standard cistern that claims to make your chores easier. It will flush water properly and cut your cleaning costs. The rubber seals may deteriorate from the use of harsh cleaning products. It will lead to premature failure. Instead, try Ideal Standard cistern spares at a fraction of the cost. It will assure you of the best water flow without any issues. It will ultimately reduce smelly build-up that can damage the flow of your toilet.


Contact the expert plumbing service today if you have any questions about toilet cistern repair and replacement. You can visit our website to procure any Ideal Standard cistern parts at the best price.

For more information, please visit https://www.mytoiletspares.co.uk/ today or call at 1482291992.You can email at customerservice@mytoiletspares.co.uk for further details.






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