Monday 31 August 2020

Good To Know Facts About Cistern Spare Parts

People say that a well-maintained toilet saves a life. Reading it, you may think that it is crazy. However, it is well understood that if a bathroom has leaking cistern or taps that may develop an unhealthy environment inside and may be the cause of various illnesses. So, it is ideal that one needs to maintain a toilet properly.


It is not that after you have purchased a cistern, it will last for a lifetime. There will wear and tear of the toilet cistern parts due to regular use. It is not that always when you have a defective cistern part you need to replace the entire cistern. Spare parts are available at reputed distributors and you can purchase those to replace the defective one and have a properly working cistern.

My Toilet Spares is such an ideal distributor from whom you can have quality toilet items along with cistern parts at an affordable rate delivered to your doorstep. Having spares from them, you will find it quite easy to fix any toilet issues you may be facing.


There is specific good to know facts about toilet spare parts, which will help you to purchase the best and have a fix to the issues that you are facing. Let us have a look at some of those.

It is easier to find toilet parts than thought

When you have issues with cistern, shower or taps in your toilet, then you become puzzled as to what to do. However, it is better to understand that fixing a toilet issue is quite uncomplicated and straightforward if you can purchase the perfect spare parts.


The first step to having the best of toilet spare parts is to determine the toilet model number and name of the manufacturer. Suppose you have a defective cistern part like a faulty WC connection fitting. If you know that, the manufacturer is GEBERIT and the model number is 152 426, then you can easily buy one from the online store of My Toilet spares.

Whether to buy OEM or “will fit” parts

When you intend to purchase cistern parts, then you have two options, one is OEM and the other “will-fit” parts. You may be confused as to which one to buy. OEM is the short form of Original Equipment Manufacturer. Like if a cistern made by GEBERIT requires parts replacement then you can purchase spare parts made by GEBERIT. This is when you have bought an OEM part. On the other hand, if you purchase spare parts not manufactured by GEBERIT to replace parts of a GEBERIT cistern, then you purchased “will-fit” parts.


It is always better to buy OEM parts as then only you can have the assurance that it will fit properly and the equipment will have the best of functionality. If you cannot find OEM, then there is no other option left but to buy “will-fit” parts.

How long will spare parts last

This is another question bothering your mind when you intend to buy cistern parts. It is not that the spare parts will last for a lifetime. There are various reasons for the parts to have wear and tear. One is the frequency of use. If a cistern has frequent use, then it will need to have parts replacement more frequent that of a cistern not regularly used. Water quality is another reason for damage to toilet parts. If the water has more iron in it, then you will see that toilet parts require frequent replacements. Thirdly, the quality of the parts that you buy also is one that determines the time when you need the next replacement.


If you consider best quality OEM flappers, washers or seals, then you can expect that it will function appropriately from 4 to 5 years. After that time, you may require a replacement.

From where to buy cistern spare parts

There are many reputed stores from where you can purchase toilet parts. My Toilet Spares is the ideal store from where you can purchase toilet cistern parts along with other toilet fittings. They are a reputed distributor making it possible to have OEM and “will-fit” parts at an affordable rate. It is quite easy to purchase from them. You need to be at their online store and select the parts that you require. They take care to send the ordered parts to your place. Call on 01482291992 to place an order for the parts that you need. For more information stay connected with them on  facebook and twitter  pages .

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Five Common Toilet Cistern Problems

 We all take our toilet cistern for granted and never take the pain to lift the lid to see if any problem is developing. Due to this negligence of our toilet problems come upon us suddenly. We then have to deal with some unwanted cargo in the pan before our breakfast. We dislike a job like this most. Nevertheless, have to, so that our other family members can use the toilet.


Suppose we have a look at the five common toilet cistern problems that we face. In that case, we can easily see that having genuine toilet cistern spares of reputed manufacturers from reliable distributors in the UK we can quickly solve those.

The common toilet cistern problems 

There are many such problems that we face in our toilet. Here we are going to have a look at the five common issues that we face how cistern spares can quickly solve them.

Non-flushing toilet

A non-flushing toilet is the most common toilet problem that we face. The problem can be due to the flush valve or syphon not working properly. One who has faced this problem after using a pan can understand how frustrating it can be. If you are facing such a problem, then you can easily have a flush valve or syphon of reputed make from reliable distributors in the UK.


If you are at the online store of My Toilet Spares, one of the reliable toilet spare parts store in the UK you can easily have flush valves or syphon made by DURAVIT, KAYLA or AMSTD. You can purchase those and have relief from this nature of irritating toilet cistern problem.

Water not filling up 

Water not filling up is another common problem that we face. As the cistern does not fill with water properly, we cannot flush the toilet. All the cisterns that we use have a ball valve, which can be side entry or bottom entry variety. If we see that it is stuck closed, then we can know that it is the reason that the cistern is not filling up with water. Water scales and general wear and tear can be the cause of this problem. Sometimes cleaning can solve the problem, but it may require a replacement if wear and tear is the cause.


You can have ball valve made by SANEUX, IDEAL or JACOB from reputed distributors and solve the problem. It is ideal to purchase genuine spare parts made by the manufacturer who made the cistern to have an effective solution to this problem.

Continuous dripping of water

Many people have insomnia and are not able to sleep, however even if you do not have insomnia, constant dripping water at the cistern can be your cause of sleepless night. A ball valve is again the culprit over here. The water scale or wear and tear may lead to the leakage and make water drip continuously.

So, order ball valve of reputed make from reliable stores to have a solution to this irritating problem.

Continuous running water

You have sometimes noticed that water running continuously even when you have not flushed the toilet. If you have such a cistern, then you will not be able to flush properly and have to deal with unwanted cargo in the pan. A not functioning valve is the cause of this problem. The valve may be stuck if you have a lever-operated cistern or not seat properly if you are using a push-button variety of a cistern. You need to have a new valve and replace the old one.


As always, reputed online stores have ready stock of cistern valves and you can easily order those and have the delivery at your house.

Loose lever or soft button

If there is a flappy lever or a soft button, then you cannot flush the toilet. It is very annoying when you cannot flush after using the toilet. You can buy a lever or soft button and replace it to have a functional cistern.


So, you can see how useful toilet cistern spares can be to solve the common cistern problems that we face. It is ideal to contact My Toilet Spares to have genuine spares of reputed make at an affordable price. Call on 01482 291992 to place your order and have those delivered to your doorsteps.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Pressalit Toilet Seat: Facilitating a Better User Experience for Clients

 Sometimes, a mild cramp can arise from a bad sitting posture on a toilet. If you keep noticing these occurrences, it is best to consider a toilet seat replacement. The fact is that a faulty toilet seat can facilitate repeated pain in your muscles. Therefore, avoiding such reoccurring muscle injuries to your body is by getting the Pressalit toilet seat. Interestingly, the Pressalit toilet seat has become a trusted brand for many homeowners to embrace. Perhaps, you have been getting multiple complaints from your tenants over a bad toilet seat. Here are some of the beneficial highlights of making this brand of toilet seat your choice.


  1. Weight support

It can get quite embarrassing and frustrating to fall off your toilet seat while using the toilet. The worst part is getting to see your faecal matter stain your thighs after experiencing a terrible fall. As a homeowner, you can avoid such terrible experiences from befalling your tenants. All you have to do is opt for toilet accessories that can stand the test of time. This way, you can gain your clients’ trust when you offer them a facility with a remarkable toilet. After all, this brand of the toilet seat can support all kinds of body weight. This way, the toilet users have nothing to worry about while sitting on the toilet.


  1. Firm seat closure

Ideally, a facility should make the inhabitants feel comfortable at all times. Unfortunately, some home facilities can make habitation a frustrating one. One of the issues that are common with such a facility is a faulty toilet seat. Perhaps, you have noticed that your old toilet seat can no longer offer proper seat closure. The best advice you can embrace is to change it to a new one.

Interestingly, the Pressalit toilet seat comes with quality seat covers. Therefore, you rest assured of getting standard protection for your toilets. This way, you can be confident of flushing faecal matter in your home without issues. After all, a faulty toilet cover can release awkward smell and bacteria into the atmosphere while flushing.


  1. Durable surfaces

Some toilet seat brands can present a tough task to clients because of their substandard quality. At this point, it becomes quite challenging to get rid of tough stains on them. The reason is that such toilet brands do not have glossy surfaces. Therefore, stains can remain permanent on them at any slight chance. However, getting the Pressalit toilet seat can help you pay less attention to stains. The fact is that quality toilet seats have gloss surfaces that can make cleaning simple and without stress. This way, you do not have to expend much energy to make your toilet seat look clean. Instead, a simple wiping of the toilet seats with a damp cloth can make your toilets look spotless again.


Finally, a proper toilet with quality accessories can guarantee you durability, when compared to other brands. Perhaps, you want to give your old ceramic toilet a new seat cover. It would help if you did not hesitate to call in today for more inquiries. After all, Pressalit is always ready to offer clients the best brands of toilet accessories in the United Kingdom.For more information visit our website or call on 01482 291992 to place your order.