Thursday 31 December 2020

How To Choose The Best Toilet Seat

Neglecting the importance of toilet seats is not something worth being grateful for since an extended period on the toilet can change into an altogether awkward experience. This clarifies that a quality toilet seat is huge for profiting by your association with the bathroom. An abnormal toilet seat can even provoke wounds and rashes, so it goes from being a minor problem to a veritable ailment.


The best technique to pick a toilet seat 

There are broad scopes of components to consider when you are picking a replacement toilet seat. Shape, mounting option, material and style are the standard thoughts for toilet seats. Whether or not you choose round or oval, plastic or wooden, the Ideal standard toilet seat should enhance your expressive washroom format. Look underneath to sort out some way to think about these components and find the right toilet seat.


Know the shape of the toilet 

Toilet seat does not come in sizes, yet they do come in two distinctive shapes: round toilet seats and expanded toilet seats, all of which identifies with two different toilet bowl shapes. Round toilet seats are yet the norm in numerous homes, and they are the toilet seats you ordinarily notice routinely. Expanded toilet seats are getting progressively famous, and they have a long oval shape. Before you begin searching for toilet seats, see whether you have a round or prolonged toilet bowl so you can shop in like way.

Pick a mount type 

Pick whether you need a conventional fastener and-nut mount or a fundamental screw and nut. While they look better, to begin with, essential screw and-nut mounts can be very disillusioning when they require removal, as the nut requires removal to remove the seat. Standard screw and-nut mounts are less challenging to use the standard for most toilet seats.


Pick a material

Pick whether you need plastic, wood or a padded seat. Most toilet seats are of high-impact plastic or plastic covering over composite wood. Plastic seats are available in white, dark and a couple of pastel shades. The plastic toilet seat can be freezing in winter and summer when central air is running and they are bound to part and will mostly show marks from cleaning. Natural wood is more sizzling, yet it will in general stain or hurt by various toilet seat cleaners. Padded seats are lovely and fragile yet will overall break and split after some time. In case of glow is a significant concern, consider buying a warmed toilet seat.

Consider padding 

Soft toilet seats are progressively pleasing for people recovering from operation or labour. Nonetheless, they can move to and from wheelchairs or shower seats dynamically inconvenient. Firmer seats are better for moves. A couple of individuals lean toward soft toilet seat over the standard hard ones only because they see padded toilet seat as more pleasing and hotter than ordinary toilet seats.


Pick a style 

Toilet seat comes in a wide range of styles, so whether your washroom is smooth and present-day or comfortable and standard, you can find the ideal seat for your toilet.


To have the best of Ideal standard toilet seat do contact My Toilet Spares. You can have the best at an affordable price from them. Call them on 01482 291992 to place your order.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Reasons To Use Soft Close Toilet Seat

Soft close toilet seat is a useful and quiet option compared to the standard toilet seats that we use. The seat’s advanced plan guarantees that it closes delicately in a determined manner without needing any support. It is ideal to know why we need to utilize this nature of latrine seat. As we comprehend the reasons, it is good to know that you can have the best quality soft close toilet seat hinges from reputed brands at reputed wholesalers across the UK.


Less Noise 

It is challenging to slam a soft close toilet seat and regardless of whether you lose hold, it will not fall with a loud bang. On the off chance that you look at the end of a soft close seat with a conventional one, at that point, a soft close makes no commotion by any means. Utilizing such a seat is ideal to have privacy in your washroom. If you have children in your home, at that point a soft close seat is a perfect choice. Your child will not confront any issue with shutting it and the clamour will not be a trouble to you.


If you are, the person who needs to visit the toilet late night, likewise the soft close seat is an ideal decision. The commotion of closing a customary seat may have upset the rest of other relatives, yet if you change over to soft close toilet seat, nobody will have the option to notice that you have gone to the toilet. Other relatives can rest with no disturbance, as there will not be any commotion made by the closing soft close seat.

Simple to maintain 

It is anything but difficult to clean a soft close toilet seat. These seats have a quick-release function permitting you effectively remove the seat. You will not need to grapple with the seat while cleaning, as you have to do with a conventional seat if you have introduced a soft close seat. As you can remove the seat, you can clean the grime and soil with no issue.


Bacteria safe plastic or vinyl has used to make soft close seats. This makes the seat itself less inclined to have mildew or mould development. It is not the situation if you have a customary toilet seat at your washroom. The seat itself does not need frequent cleaning.

Safe to utilize 

On the off chance that you have children at your home, at that point you cannot consider whatever else than introducing a soft close seat made by reputed makers. Children will not have their fingers harmed or caught by the seat when they close it. The soft close of the seat lessens clamour and does not permit the seat to slam on the bowl. Thus, it is a protected option in contrast to customary toilet seats.


Simple to introduce 

To introduce a soft close seat using soft close toilet seat  hinges you do not need calling a plumber. You can do it.

To have hinges for soft close toilet seat of best quality do contact My Toilet Spares. Call them on 01482 291992 to put in your order.

A Guideline To Get Toilet Seat Fittings Right At The First Go

Hinges are necessary toilet seat fittings to keep the seat secured to the bowl and to avoid accidents. When you purchase a toilet seat, the hinges come with it automatically. However, the hinges may erode or break and then you will need to buy a spare. The hinges need to be accurate to fit the toilet seat as required to the bowl. 


Let us see how we can purchase a perfect hinge at the first go. 

Look at the features of hinges that matters

Hinges may look the same at a glance, but there are different categories and they differ in size and material used for production. Let us discuss the difference, so we know how to choose the best toilet seat fittings.


Your want and need help you to choose which hinge you need to use for your toilet. Various materials like plastic, brushed chrome, steel, or polished brass have used to make hinges. 


If you like to show your toilet seat fittings, then you need to have plastic hinges. You can purchase plastic hinges that match the colour of the seat. Plastic hinges are the most common and affordable to use. Polished brass hinges is another option you can buy. It is made from a mix of zinc and copper; the material is durable and does not break easily. Stainless steel also has used to make hinges. As the material is resistant to corrosion, it is ideal for hinges in a bathroom’s wet atmosphere. 


You can select according to your desire from reputed plumbing stores in the UK. They stock fittings of reputed make and have an online presence to make the purchase hassle-free. 


There are two varieties of toilet seat hinges. One is the fixed variety, which usually comes with a seat, and the other is the adjustable variety. 

If you wish to have fixed hinges, it is best to be sure that it fits your toilet seat. A DIY person can’t adjust a fixed hinge. Adjustable hinges are the ones that you will commonly find when you wish to have a replacement. 

Soft-close seat

If you wish to have no botheration from the sound of a slamming toilet seat, then you need to buy a soft closed toilet seat. The seat will slowly come down and not make a noise. 


Quick-release toilet seat

The quick-release toilet seat will allow you to remove the seat to clean. It also helps to clean the bowl without any problem. 

If you wish to have the best of toilet seat fittings of any nature in the UK, it is best to have it from My Toilet Spares. They have an online presence and stock branded products. Call them on 01482 291992 to place your order.

Saturday 12 December 2020

How To Select The Best Toilet Spare Parts

Have you ever envisioned how often you use the toilet at your home? Indeed, you might not have yet always you do, so the hinges that append the seat to the bowl and other cistern parts become possibly the most critical factor. In this way, it is ideal to have parts that keep going long and is affordable simultaneously. Twyford Toilet Spares you can have from reputed online stores in the UK can offer you such durability and affordability.


The qualities to keep in mind to select the best toilet spares

There are numerous online stores where you can have such toilet spares. My Toilet Spares is one of those online stores whereupon you can rely upon to have the ideal spare that coordinates your latrine. There are different characteristics of the parts as well, available at their stores, making them stand separated from the rest. Let us view a portion of those. 

Durability: You do not wish to have spare parts that lead you to the store often. The spare parts that you can have from them will not be such. They not only deal with Twyford Toilet Spares but also spares of other reputed make. The parts from them are durable, keep going long, giving you best return for the cash that you spend to buy those. Durability is one perspective that they generally remember while offering you such toilet spares. 


Variety accessible: Your craving to be at a store and have a look of different sorts of toilet spares is conceivable when you visit their store. There are different kinds of such parts accessible from them relying upon the need that you have and the spending plan of yours. You can undoubtedly choose and arrange for the equivalent by being at their online store. 

They have a broad scope of variety as per shading and size that you want to have. It could never happen that you being at their store could not discover Twyford Toilet Spares that coordinates your taste and financial plan.  

Unwavering quality: They are in this business of making accessible different items related to toilets for quite a long time. They have a reputation and stock only parts from reputed manufacturers. Their rates are unquestionably lower than their rivals are. Nevertheless, they never bargain on quality to make it such. 


Best of price: The parts that you can have from them are affordable. However, they never compromise on quality to bring down the price. They also do not have any hidden cost associated with astonishing you at the end. 


Consequently, if you wish to have Twyford Toilet Spares, it is ideal to be at the online store of My Toilet Spares and have those. You can also call 01482 291992 to place your order. 

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Common Toilet Problems That Can Have An Easy Fix

The home toilet consists of two parts. One is the bowl and the other the upper tank that holds the water. The bowl does not have any moving parts and hence there are fewer chances of having any issue with it. However, the cistern has various moving parts and problems occur. However, you may be amazed to know that some common toilet problems can have an easy fix if you have Vitra toilet parts handy. Even if you do not have such spare parts handy, there are reputed online stores in the UK from where you can buy such parts at an affordable rate.


Let us have a look at some of the common toilet problems that you can quickly fix having spares from Vitra.

Toilet runs after the flush cycle

It sometimes happens that the water continues to flow even after the flush cycle. You may be confused about what to do. However, the problem is with the ballcock. The water continues to flow as the water level is high. You can try to bend the float arm download and then the float ball will shut the water at a lower level. If this does not happen, then it is time to change the ballcock.


Cistern fills slowly

If you notice that the cistern fills slowly, then the cause of the problem may be a defective valve. It is easy to replace the valve after purchasing it from reputed online stores. If you are a DIY lover, then you may not require the help of a plumber to do so.


Non-flushing cistern 

After using a toilet if we see that the cistern is not flushing, then we become confused. The cause of the issue may be a flawed syphon system. It requires replacing the syphon system using spares from a reputed brand like Vitra. 


If you see any of these problems, then it is best to have Vitra toilet parts from reputed stores like My Toilet Spares. They have a wide assortment of such parts and make those available at an affordable rate. You just need to visit their online store and you can place the order. Call on 01482 291992 to place your order.

Considerations To Consider For Selecting The Best Toilet

You definitely intend to buy a toilet that flushes well and accommodate your budget. Moreover, you intend to have a toilet that suits well with the décor of your present washroom. Let us see how we can select the one that suits all your necessities and your budget. 



The fundamentals to keep in mind

You definitely agree that the restroom toilet is the most significant thing in your house. The shading and cost matter; however, the water needed and how well it flushes matters too. If you select a modest one, then you can save water and clean the bowl in a solitary flush. We here intend to help you to choose one that will fit nicely into your restroom and the budget you have. You need to have a look at these Cooke and Lewis toilets before you settle on one to buy. 

Low-stream model

Low-stream toilets are in fashion from 1994 and it utilizes 1.6 gallons of water per flush. At inceptions, it was not that good as you have to flush twice to clear the bowl, however, after 15 years of research, Cook and Lewis have made some changes and the toilets really work. They have made various structural upgrades like bigger trap-ways to offset stopping up and bigger flush valves that allow a prevailing surge of water to enter the bowl. The associated tips will make picking another washroom toilet much simpler.


Try not to save money

You can have a “contractor special” toilet at an affordable price. However, you need to keep in mind that if you save money, there will be a compromise on quality. Maybe, the working parts or the coating will not be the same as if you had spent a few more pennies. So, instead of trying to save some pennies, you need to look at the range from Cooke and Lewis toilet. They are of quality but not cut a hole in your pocket. 

Depend on online stores instead of on plumbing stores

Plumbing stores will not have the full range of branded toilets. However, if you are at an online store or reputed distributors in the UK, you can have a look at the entire range of toilet parts from reputed manufacturers. 


Try to avoid novel highlights

You need to keep in mind that novel highlights like custom seats and irregular flush components may add glamour to your toilet but will be a headache if required changing. You need to be ready to spend time, cash, and have dissatisfaction when there is a need for change. So, it is best to avoid such novel highlights.

Compare models before you buy

All models of Cooke and Lewis toilet are unique. However, not all have all the requisites that satisfy your necessities. It is best to spend 10 minutes to research all the models and then settle on the one that you desire to buy.


To have a look at wide assortments of Cooke and Lewis toilet and parts do visit the online store of My Toilet Spares. You can select the one that suits your requirements and fits your budget and taste. Call on 01482 291992 to have a word with them and place your order.