Thursday 26 November 2020

Four Reasons To Use Soft Close Toilet Seat

Roca soft close toilet seat is a practical and noiseless alternative to the standard toilet seats that we use. The modern design of the seat ensures that it closes softly in a determined manner without requiring any help. It is best to know why we need to use this nature of toilet seat. As we understand the reasons, we can have such soft close toilet seats made by Roca from reputed distributors across the UK.


Negligible Noise

It is impossible to slam a soft close toilet seat and even if you lose grip, it will not fall with a loud clatter. If you compare the closing of a soft close seat with a traditional one, then a soft close creates no noise at all. Using such a seat is ideal to have privacy in your bathroom. If you have kids in your house, then a soft close seat is the perfect option. Your kid will not face any problem with closing it and the noise will not be a bother to you.


If you are, the one who needs to visit the toilet late at night then also the soft close seat is a perfect choice. The noise of a closing of a traditional seat may have disturbed the sleep of other family members, but if you change over to Roca soft close toilet seatno one will be able to notice that you have gone to the toilet. Other family members can sleep without any disturbance, as there will not be any noise made by the closing of the soft close seat.

Easy to maintain

It is easy to clean a soft close toilet seat. These seats have a quick-release function allowing you easily remove the seat altogether. You will not have to wrestle with the seat while cleaning, as you have to do with a traditional seat if you have installed a soft close seat. As you can remove the seat altogether, you can clean the grime and dirt without any problem.


Bacteria resistant plastic or vinyl has used to manufacture soft close seats. This makes the seat itself less prone to have mould or mildew buildup. It is not the case if you have a traditional toilet seat at your bathroom. The seat itself does not require frequent cleaning.

Safe to use

If you have kids at your house, then you cannot think of anything else than installing a soft close seat made by reputed manufacturers like Roca. Kids will not have their fingers hurt or trapped by the seat when they close it. The soft close of the seat not only reduces noise but also does not allow the seat to slam on the bowl. So, it is a safe alternative to traditional toilet seats.


Easy to install

To install a soft close seat, you do not require calling a plumber. You can do it.

To have Roca soft close toilet seat without any hassle and at the lowest price do visit the online store of My Toilet Spares. Call on 01482 291992 to place your order.

Saturday 21 November 2020

The Toilet Spares That You Need To Keep Handy

If you are a homeowner or renting a house from a bad landowner, then it is that you at some time have performed a repair to the toilet. Toilet repairs sometimes become so necessary and urgent that you do not have the time to wait for a plumber and undertake the job yourself. At such situations, if you do not know the cause of the problem or the parts causing the problem, it will be difficult for you to repair effectively.


We here detail some problems and the parts causing those. So, when you face such issues, you can purchase the correct Roca toilet spares from reputed distributors.

The problems that require the best of spare parts for a resolution

You may be facing various natures of problems with your toilet. Let us see how you can have a resolution to those having best spare parts from reputed distributors in the UK.

Running toilet

If you have a running toilet, then the cause may be a dirty or damaged flapper or a high water level. If fixing these does not give you relief, then you may need to change the fill valve.


Slow or not filling of the tank

If the tank of your toilet is filling slowly or not loading, then the cause may be a build-up of debris in the valve body. If the valve is over seven years old, then do replace with genuine Roca toilet spares from reputed distributors in the UK.

Non-functioning flush handle

Breakage of the tank lever may be the cause of a flash handle not functioning. If you are in such a situation, then do replace the broken lever.


Similar to the above issues, you may face various problems due to defective flush valve, fill valve, flapper, gasket, wax ring and flanges. It is for sure; whatever may be the spare parts that you require you will have those made by reputed manufacturers like Roca at the online stores or reputable distributors.

Why choose toilet spares of Roca

You may be thinking why it is wise to select toilet spares made by Roca. Let us see why we propose such.

Roca UK started its journey in 1993 as a dedicated subsidiary of Roca Sanitario S.A. They have a permanent base, with their team and stock. The products they produce are, according to British and European standards. They have national coverage of distributors for the fast delivery of their products. Their years of experience have to lead to the manufacture of quality toilet parts and spares.


To have Roca toilet spares with ease, you need to be at the online store of My Toilet Spares. They have a wide assortment of parts and spares and you can order your spares from there. Call on 01482 291992 to place your order.

Thursday 12 November 2020

How To Purchase The Best Shower Spares

You might need shower spares for your washroom. In such a case, rather than looking at some other store, you should be at the official page of My Toilet Spares. They have an assortment of varied shower spare including Hudson Reed shower spares from which you can pick.


The characteristics that make them the best for having such items 

There are different online stores in the UK, which vows to offer you such shower spares. My Toilet Spares stand separated from the rest because of the realities that we have highlighted here.

The simplicity of searching: They have made their site with the end goal that you can undoubtedly look for the shower spares of reputed make that you are searching for. You do not need to burn through much time in doing as such. You can filter as per position, item name and cost and add those legitimately to your purchasing cart.


The simplicity of payment: They at My Toilet Spares have made methods for payment simpler when you mean to purchase shower spares or any other spares for your toilet. You can pay through their secured payment gateway and your data would not have a disclosure to anybody.

Return and cancellation policy: You can return the items on the off chance that you feel it is not the one ordered. They have a simple return and cancellation policy, which will upgrade your experience when you purchase Hudson Reed shower spares from them. Their return and cancellation policy will give you the peace of mind that your money will not go in waste.


Durability: You do not wish to have spares that lead you to the store often. The toilet spares you can have from them will not be such. Despite the fact the spares might be made of various materials, they are tough and keep going long. Purchasing those from them give you best return for the cash that you spend buying those. Durability is one aspect that they generally remember while offering you such toilet spares.

Variety accessible: Your craving to be at a store and have a look of different sorts of toilet spares is conceivable when you visit their online store. There are different kinds of such spares of reputed make accessible from them relying upon the need that you have and the financial plan of yours. You can undoubtedly choose and arrange for the equivalent by being at their online store.


They not only make it possible to have spares from Hudson Reed. They also make it possible to have spars from many other reputed manufacturers at an affordable price.

They have a wide variety of spares, as indicated by your desire to have. It could never happen that you being at their store could not discover the toilet spares that suit your taste and financial plan.


Along these lines, when you require Hudson Reed shower spares or spares from any reputed manufacturers call My Toilet Spares at 01482 291992 or be in their online store.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

How To Choose The Correct Toilet Seat Hinges

When you require a replacement for toilet seat hinges, then it is for sure that it is not an easy job. There are few things to consider when you need to buy such toilet seat fittings from a reputed distributor.


Let us know how you can buy the perfect hinges for your toilet seat. 

Know the size of the hinges

To the naked eye, toilet hinges may seem the same, but they are different. There are various sizes of hinges and you need to choose according to the requirement. If you have an expensive toilet, then you can have toilet seat hinges of that particular make. On the other hand, you need to settle on the hinges made by different manufacturers. In order to know the size of the hinges, you need to measure the current one that you have. You need to know the width of the hinges before you set out to purchase.


Choosing the correct hinges

After you have determined the size of the hinge, you can buy different varieties of hinges. There are hinges made of different materials like the plastic, metal, designer, pneumatic and rod and hinges. The plastic type is inexpensive and not very durable. The metal one is durable, good to look but affordable. Designer variety is the most expensive one. The pneumatic variety is expensive but stops the seat from slamming. The rod and hinge variety fit in any toilet seat.

It is best not to try DIY ventures to install fittings to a toilet seat. It is wise to call a professional plumber to do so. More importantly, it would be best if you did not hesitate to buy quality products. It may be costly, but as they are durable, it will last long. You can depend on toilet seat fittings made by Vitra, Roca, Pressalit, Axa, Galassia and Haro.


If you are thinking about where you can buy such fittings, it is wise to be at the online store of My Toilet Spares. They have a wide assortment of such fittings made by reputed manufacturers. It is relatively easy to buy from their online store. You can select and place an order on the same page. They do have a well-defined return policy, which allows you to return products if not suitable for use. If you have any confusion, then you can call them on 01482 291992 and clear your doubts.


If you have any requirement for any nature of toilet spares of reputed make, do call My Toilet Spares and have the product delivered to your doorstep.

Saturday 7 November 2020

The Importance Of Toilet Seat And Ways To Select The Best

 It is not appropriate to disregard the importance of toilet seats. We can say it is the place that we start and end our day. If the seat is not appropriate, then it can make our stay in the toilet awkward. This is why we should try to have the best of seats like Ideal standard toilet seats at our bathrooms.



Let us see why it is essential to have the best of toilet seats and the ways that we should follow to select the best.

The importance of best toilet seat

When we think of a seat, two things come to our mind. One is comfort and other is cleaning. If we select the best of toilet seats, then we can have both.

Various toilet seats out there are as extravagant as cushions, but sturdy as ceramic. At the point when you sit on them, they breathe in and gradually structure an agreeable layer around your legs and posterior. A few organizations have even ventured to such an extreme as to offer memory foam seats.


The soft toilet seat has a terrible problem of not being as clean as a hard toilet seat. The reason for this is that many soft toilet seats have small little pores to breathe in when you sit on them. These tiny pores can gather oils and soil from the skin, an ideal food that develops into an encouraging ground for microbes if not cleaned usually.

So, it is always wise to have a toilet seat that is easy to clean and comfortable to seat.


The perfect way to choose the best toilet seat

It would be best if you kept in mind various factors when you intend to purchase the best toilet seat. The primary considerations that you need to pay attention to are shape, mounting options, material and style. It would be best if you also kept in mind that the toilet seat should be in alliance with the décor of your toilet.

Let us see discuss these considerations in little depth.



You can have toilet seats in two different shapes. You can have either a round or an elongated seat. It is that you see round seats in most houses. However, elongated seats and taking the place of the round ones and you can easily purchase those from reputed online plumbing stores.

Mount type

It is up to you to decide whether you decide to have a conventional bolt-and-nut mount or an integral bolt and nut. If you choose to have integral bolt and nut at inception, it will look great, but when it is time to replace it, you may find difficulty to uninstall it.


You can have either plastic, wood or a cushioned seat. Generally, the toilet seats are made of high-impact plastic or a plastic coat over wood. Plastic seats have many colours and you can choose according to the décor you have at your toilet.



You need to pick a style that matches the already preset décor of your toilet.

To have the best of toilet seats including Ideal standard toilet seats do contact My Toilet Spares. They have a comprehensive collection of such seats of reputed make. Call on 01482 291992 to place your order.